Spink County Equalization
Tracey Millar, CAA
Sally Schwab, CAA
Deputy DOE
Kristi Hausvik, Deputy DOE
Certification Program
Denise Fliehe, Deputy DOE
Certification Program
Yvette Albrecht
Yvette Albrecht,
Zoning Administrator
Denise Fliehe,
Drainage Administrator
Have a question?
Submit your inquiry [ HERE ]
(you will need the free Adobe reader to view
and print some forms)
download HERE
If you have trouble accessing these documents you
may obtain information by calling (605) 472-4585
Sitting L to R: Tracey Millar, Denise Fliehe
Standing L to R: Kristi Hausvik, Yvette Albrecht, Sally Schwab
 The Director of Equalization is responsible to oversee the location and identification of all property in county, value all taxable property according to current law and to provide professional appraisal & assessment direction to the county commissioners.
The Equalization Office makes a great effort to do interior reviews of all property in the county on a rotating schedule. We are now reviewing the cities in Spink County. SDCL 10-3-23 gives the Equalization office the “…power to enter and inspect all property for the purpose of determining value…” This ensures that the property information we have is correct and the assessment will be correct.
** Important Dates **
November 1st
November 1st
November 1st
March 1st
March 15th
October 15th
- legal assessment date
- deadline for Exempt Applications
- deadline for Flooded Land Applications
- mailing date for Assessment Notices
- deadline for Certificate of Owner Occupied
- Riparian Buffer Strip Application
* Buffer Strip Application | Word | | PDF |
* Spink Lakes Map | PDF|
* Spink Streams Map | PDF |
Spink County Equalization
210 East 7th Avenue, Suite 7 Redfield SD 57469-1299
