Spink County Government
Redfield SD 57469
Spink County Courthouse

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  Spink Co Weed & Pest

    Jeff Haessig,
      Weed Supervisor

    Ann Bottum,

     Weed & Pest Board
     Dave Albrecht
     Brett Knox
     Brian Johnson
     Kevin Siebrecht
     Suzanne Smith

South Dakota Statewide Noxious Weeds

as identified by the
SD Weed and Pest Control Commission


  • Absinth Wormwood
  • Hoary Cress
  • Purple Loosestrife
  • Perennial Sow Thistle
  • Leafy Spurge
  • Canada Thistle
  • Salt Cedar

Salt Cedar Info

    Outside Links
    • SD Dept of Agriculture
    • SD Weed & Pest Info

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Good Neighbors Control Noxious Weeds

spacerHopefully we will have some wonderful moisture this spring. This should give the crops a good start for the growing season. The moisture will also give weeds a good start, so be sure to check your patches of noxious weeds and keep watch for any new patches.

spacerYou’ve been planning your crops since harvest of last year. You should also have been planning your noxious weed control. What herbicides are labeled? How effective are they? What do they cost? Can I use them in crops, fence rows, pastures, farm sites, or other non crop areas?

spacerHopefully this year is profitable for all of you. Your hard work controlling noxious weeds is greatly appreciated. Keep up the good work.

spacerSpink County Weed & Pest Dept.

spacerBio-control is using natural enemies (i.e., parasites, predators and pathogens) of weeds and other pests to reduce the abundance or competitive advantage of a weed or pest.

spacerFlea Beetles have been quite successful in reducing Leafy Spurge infestations. We have several releases in Spink County and populations have reached harvestable levels.

Flea Beetle in action
(Flea Beetles have been successful in reducing Leafy Spurge)

Bugs Do Work!

spacer"We first released the spurge beetles on this pasture in 2002. In 2003 we didn't move the bugs but you could see an area of 30+ sq. ft. where they were working. In 2004 this area increased to 100 yds. Moved the bugs around this year. In 2005 area increased to 25 acres or so and we were able to harvest beetles and move them farther. We saw a large area of coverage in 2006 with 60 acres or so of control. Once again we harvested and moved them to new areas. We have beetles in other fields with spurge and are seeing more control in those areas also."
Kenneth Nowell, Tulare South Dakota

Harvesting Flea Beetles for transplanting
Harvesting Flea Beetles

    spacerUsing nets, the participants swept the area to harvest the Flea Beetles. The beetles were packaged and placed in coolers for transportation to a new location.

    Beetle Collection Video
       ( windows media player format )

spacerIf you would like more information or are interested in using Flea Beetles, please give us a call and we would be glad to get you started with this program. (605) 472-5008

Saltcedar Continues to Cause Trouble for Landowners in SD

PIERRE – One of the most invasive noxious weeds in the state continues to fight control by producers. Saltcedar has been found growing along wetlands in the central section of the state and also near stock dams in western South Dakota. Saltcedar was originally introduced to stabilize stream banks and for windbreaks and ornamental plants, but has gone on to become a pest and in some cases, has taken over native vegetation.
Saltcedar - Noxious Weed
    Saltcedar can grow as tall as 25 feet and has an extensive root system. A large infestation of Saltcedar can dry up creeks and small lakes and control of the plant can be hard-as it can withstand cutting, grazing, burning, drought and flooding. The South Dakota Ag Department says herbicides provide the best control and those with questions about the plant should contact their county weed and pest supervisor.

Contact Informationspacer [ Back to Top ]
Spink County Weed and Pest
Jeff Haessig, Weed Supervisor
1518 E 7th Avenue
Redfield SD 57469

Phone: (605) 472-5008
Fax:     (605) 472-5010

Office Location: East Hwy 212
Office Hours: 7:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday - Thursday
spacer 8:00 am - 12:00 noon Friday

(County, State, Federal Offices)

 Law Enforcement Cntr
  • Sheriff Department

  •  Courthouse 1st floor
  • Extension Services
  • Emergency Management
  • Health Department
  • Social Services

  •  Courthouse 2nd Floor
  • Auditor
  • Equalization
  • Planning and Zoning
  • Drainage
  • Register of Deeds
  • Treasurer
  • Commissioner's Room

  •  Courthouse 3rd Floor
  • Clerk of Courts
  • Courtroom
  • States Attorney
  • Veterans Service

  •  Courthouse Basement
  • Custodial Engineer
  • Community Room

  •   101 E 7th Avenue
  • Spink County Coroner

  •   225 E 8th Avenue
  • Spink County Museum

  •  E Hwy 212
  • Highway Department
  • Weed & Pest

  • Spink County Weed and Pest
    East Hwy 212
    1518 East 7th Avenue     Redfield SD 57469

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