Amy Michlitsch
The Treasurer’s Office is responsible for the collection of all taxes for the County, including real estate and special assessments as well as mobile homes.
If you are a senior citizen or disabled citizen, property tax relief applications are available through our office, and our staff can assist you in filling out these forms. Please contact the Treasurer's Office at (605) 472-4583 for more information on income guidelines or to obtain a form.
Tax Due Dates
- January - Real Esate Tax Notices and Special Assessment Notices are mailed to property owners.
- April 1 - Assessment Freeze Applications for the elderly and disabled must be filed on an annual basis on or before this date
- April 30 - First Half of Real Estate Taxes are due on or before this date
- April 30 - Special Assessments are a current year tax that is due in full on or before this date.
- October 31 - Second Half of Real Estate Taxes are due on or before this date unless total tax is under $50.00 (all taxes under $50.00 are due in full by April 30)
Vehicle Registration
The office also titles and licenses new and used motor vehicles, motorcycles, trailers, snowmobiles, and boats. As of July 1, 2003, lien notations and releases, and duplicate motor vehicle titles are handled through the Treasurer’s Office.
Registration on non-commercial vehicles, trailers and motorcycles is based on the first letter of the owner's last name, or in the case of a business, on the beginning letter of the business name. Vehicles not in this system are boats, snowmobiles, and commercial vehicles.
A, B
C, D, E
F, G, J
- January
- February
- March
H, I, O
K, L
M, N
- May
- June
- July
P, Q, R
T thru Z
- August
- September
- November
Please contact the Treasure's Office for additional information you will need to register your vehicle.
All County funds are received and accounted for by the Treasurer. The Treasurer is also responsible for managing the County’s investments, submits monthly remittances to the State, and issues distress warrants on behalf of the Department of Revenue and Department of Labor as required by law.
Contact Information
Spink County Treasurer's Office
Amy Michlitsch, Treasurer
210 E 7th Avenue, Suite 6
Redfield SD 57469-1299
Phone: (605) 472-4583
Fax: (605) 472-4582
Office Location: Courthouse – 2nd Floor
Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Mon - Friday (except Holidays)
(County, State, Federal Offices)
Law Enforcement Cntr
Sheriff Department
Courthouse 1st floor
Extension Services
Emergency Management
Health Department
Social Services
Courthouse 2nd Floor
Planning and Zoning
Register of Deeds
Commissioner's Room
Courthouse 3rd Floor
Clerk of Courts
States Attorney
Veterans Service
Courthouse Basement
Custodial Engineer
Community Room
101 E 7th Avenue
Spink County Coroner
225 E 8th Avenue
Spink County Museum
E Hwy 212
Highway Department
Weed & Pest