Spink Co Register of Deeds
Sonja Muellenberg,
Register of Deeds
(you will need the free Adobe reader
to view and print these forms)
 The Register of Deeds office is a substantial record storage facility for many types of records. The Register of Deeds
is a gold mine for anyone wishing to search their family history.
Primary duties of the Register of Deeds Office:
- Real Estate Recordings
- Birth, Death & Marriage Records
- Issue Marriage Licenses
- Filing of Liens (Mechanics, State & Federal Tax Liens, County Poor Liens)
- Business Name Registrations
- Military Discharge Records

Sonja Muellenberg Denise Fliehe
Sonja Muellenberg, Register of Deeds
Appointed ROD in 2022 to fill vacant position
Denise Fliehe
Assistant Register of Deeds
By state law, vital records are not open for public inspection. Vital records may be issued in the form of a Certified or an Informational copy.
Only certain individuals are eligible to obtain a certified copy of a vital record. Contact our office to determine if you qualify. (605) 472-4588
Not qualified to receive a certified copy of a vital record? Any person who submits an application and the applicable fee can obtain an informational copy of a vital record.
Some forms are available for download from this site. Check the listing at left or contact this office.
South Dakota Marriage Requirements
- Get a license from a Register of Deeds Office in a South Dakota county.
- A South Dakota marriage license costs $40.
- Identification is required -- either a driver's license or a certified copy of a birth certificate.
- No blood test or waiting period is required.
- Those 16 and 17 must have parental consent. South Dakota law does not permit marriage of those under 16.
- The marriage must be solemnized within 90 days from the purchase of your license or the license becomes void.
- Once you are married, the individual who solemnizes the marriage must return the license to the Register of Deeds within 10 days. If not, there will be no record of your marriage. Marriage may be solemnized by a justice of
the supreme court, a judge of the circuit court, a magistrate, or any person authorized by a church to solemnize marriages. See SDCL 25-1 for specific statutes.
Contact Information
Spink County Register of Deeds
Sonja Muellenberg
210 E 7th Avenue, Suite 8
Redfield SD 57469-1299
Phone: (605) 472-4588
Fax: (605) 472-5014
Office Location: Courthouse – 2nd Floor
Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday – Friday (except Holidays)
(County, State, Federal Offices)
Law Enforcement Cntr
Sheriff Department
Courthouse 1st floor
Extension Services
Emergency Management
Health Department
Social Services
Courthouse 2nd Floor
Planning and Zoning
Register of Deeds
Commissioner's Room
Courthouse 3rd Floor
Clerk of Courts
States Attorney
Veterans Service
Courthouse Basement
Custodial Engineer
Community Room
101 E 7th Avenue
Spink County Coroner
225 E 8th Avenue
Spink County Museum
E Hwy 212
Highway Department
Weed & Pest