Spink County Highway Dept
Jason Murray, Lead Worker
- 2025 Fee Schedule
for Spink County
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- Now Available -
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Oversize Permits can now be purchased online using GovTeller.
**Please be aware that there is a third party Consumer Fee collected at time of purchase and billed to your credit or debit card.
Permit forms are available below and can be printed from the website. When paying online you will receive a printable receipt and confirmation number. Please write your confirmation number on the Oversize Permit form you are purchasing and email or fax to the Hwy Dept Office for permit number, approval, and signature.
Fax: (605) 472-5010
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 The Spink County Highway department maintains 703 miles on the county road system, 142 bridges on the state inspection list and numerous smaller bridges and box culverts. The department has 13 full time employees which includes two administrative personnel, and also hires several seasonal employees.
For reasons of liability, it is necessary for Spink County to enforce the state laws that protect the county right-of-ways. Anyone who compromises the roadway or its right-of-way can be charged, based on SDCL 31-32-7
Examples are, but not limited to: planting in right-of-way, irrigation water going onto roads, dumping trash in ditches and pushing snow into ditches. The charge depends on the severity of the offense and the intention of the offender. Any crops planted in the road right-of-way of county maintained roads will be removed by the Spink County Highway Department and the expense will be added to the taxes on that property.
It is the intention of the Spink County Highway Department, Spink County Planning and Zoning, and the Spink County Commissioners to support and encourage other county officials in the enforcement of these laws so as to extend the life of the county roads, reduce maintenance and replacement costs in the future, and for liability reasons. Spink County Officials ask for your cooperation in this matter.
Load Limits
By State Law, SDCL 32-22-24, Spring Load Limits may be put on as early as February 15 and may stay on through April 30. Time of implementation and removal is dependent on weather and road conditions.
County Load Limits become effective when signs are in place.
All Spink County Asphalt roads are posted at 6 ton per axle and 40 mph
as well as County Road 4 gravel – 6 miles East of Hwy 37 on 150th Street.
pertaining to Snow Removal
For reasons of liability, it is necessary for Spink County to enforce the state laws that protect the county right-of-ways. Anyone who compromises the roadway or its right-of-way can be charged, based on SDCL 31-32-7 and other state laws.
Spink County residents are reminded they cannot push snow from their driveways into the right-of-way of county roads. Putting snow in the right-of-way is a misdemeanor, but the real concern is the problems it poses for equipment operators. Extra snow in ditches means more drifting along roads and hard piles of snow along the right of way can cause serious injury to operators and snow equipment, as well as the public.
While it is easy to push snow across the road or into a ditch at the side of the driveway, landowners need to find other places for it as the right-of-way is designed for traffic safety.
This law will be strictly enforced and Spink County Officials ask for your cooperation in this matter.
Contact Information
Office and Shop Location: East Hwy 212
Office Hours: 7:30 am to 4:30 pm M-TH
8:00 am - 12:00 noon Friday
(County, State, Federal Offices)
Law Enforcement Cntr
Sheriff Department
Courthouse 1st floor
Extension Services
Emergency Management
Health Department
Social Services
Courthouse 2nd Floor
Planning and Zoning
Register of Deeds
Commissioner's Room
Courthouse 3rd Floor
Clerk of Courts
States Attorney
Veterans Service
Courthouse Basement
Custodial Engineer
Community Room
101 E 7th Avenue
Spink County Coroner
225 E 8th Avenue
Spink County Museum
E Hwy 212
Highway Department
Weed & Pest