Spink Co Extension Service
Kim McGraw
4-H Youth Advisor -
Spink & Clark County
Amy Hermann, Admin Assistant
- 2025 Fee Schedule
for Spink County
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Outside Links
• SDSU Extension Service
• South Dakota 4H
• SD Dept of Agriculture
• South Dakota State University
• Spink County Facebook Page
Getting Involved
In Spink County 4-H
Club: Crandon Cloverleaf
Leader: Elly Jo Wagner
Area: Tulare
Club: Dakota Kids
Leader: Melissa Knox
Area: Doland, Conde, and
Club: Frankfort Ringnecks
Leader: Jenna Dawson
Area: Frankfort & Redfield
Club: Jolly Buffalo Workers
Leader: Paula Hamilton
Area: Tulare & Hitchcock
Club: Prairie Lassies & Clippers
Leader: Doreen Dirksen
Area: Brentford, Mellette & Northville
Club: Timber Wolves
Leader: BJ Hansen
Area: Turton & Frankfort
For Agriculture, Family,
Youth Development/4-H needs and issues...
Extension is the major educational outreach arm of South Dakota State University, serving the people of South Dakota by helping them apply unbiased, scientific knowledge to improve their lives.

Fair Board
Jim Ellenson
Darla Knox
Joe Lutter
Lance Mason
Butch Odegaard
Kim McGraw, 4-H Youth Advisor
Brian Johnson, Commissioner

The Spink County Fairgrounds are located on US Hwy 281 on the South side of Redfield. Included there is the 4-H Building, an Arena, Animal Barns and Campground. See the Rental Agreement document below for use.
4-H Fairgrounds – 38497 174th Street, Redfield, SD
$20/night/site or $200 for all 21 sites
Electricity at each spot and water accessible
Call 605-472-5006 Monday-Friday or stop into the office to reserve.
Payment must be received before site will be unlocked.
Cash or check preferred. Credit card accepted, but will go through treasurers office and they will charge a fee.
Contact Information
Spink County Extension Service
210 E 7th Avenue, Suite 4
Redfield SD 57469-1299
Phone: (605) 472-5006
Fax: (605) 472-4582
Office Location: Courthouse – 1st Floor
Hours: 8:00 - 12:00 / 1:00 – 5:00 Monday – Friday (except Holidays)
(County, State, Federal Offices)
Law Enforcement Cntr
Sheriff Department
Courthouse 1st floor
Extension Services
Emergency Management
Health Department
Social Services
Courthouse 2nd Floor
Planning and Zoning
Register of Deeds
Commissioner's Room
Courthouse 3rd Floor
Clerk of Courts
States Attorney
Veterans Service
Courthouse Basement
Custodial Engineer
Community Room
101 E 7th Avenue
Spink County Coroner
225 E 8th Avenue
Spink County Museum
E Hwy 212
Highway Department
Weed & Pest

4-H Pledge
I pledge
my head to clearer thinking,
my heart to greater loyalty,
my hands to larger service.
my health to better living,
for my club, my community,
my county and my world.
4-H Motto
To Make the Best Better